New PMP Exam 2021 COSTS: Training + Books + Certification➤

Untitled 4

Η "χρυσή" πιστοποίηση PMP Exam άλλαξε στις 2 Ιανουαρίου 2021
(αυτή η σελίδα απαιτεί μελέτη για 5 - 10 λεπτά)


  1. ΕΓΓΥΗΣΗ ΕΠΙΤΥΧΙΑΣ στην Πιστοποίηση PMP® ή CAPM® - Διαφορετικά Επιστρέφονται τα Χρήματα της ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΣΗΣ σε περίπτωση 3 αποτυχιών στο exam!

  2. Εγγύηση ΧΑΜΗΛΟΤΕΡΗΣ ΤΙΜΗΣ με αξιολόγηση (30% οικονομική αξιολόγηση και 70% τεχνική αξιολόγηση)

  3. ΔΩΡΕΑΝ ΕΠΑΝΑΠΑΡΑΚΟΛΟΥΘΗΣΗ του ιδίου Σεμιναρίου/Workshop εντός ενός έτους εαν δεν έχει αλλάξει το PMP Exam ή η ύλη του PMP Exam!

  4. Δωρεάν Επικοινωνία με τον Εισηγητή του Σεμιναρίου/Workshop!

  5. Εγγύηση έγκρισης του PMP application

  6. Δυνατότητα παρακολούθησης ΟΛΟΥ ΤΟΥ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣ ΕΞ' ΑΠΟΣΤΑΣΕΩΣ με WEBEX (τα έξοδα αποστολής του εκπαιδευτικού υλικού βαρύνουν τον συμμετέχοντα)


Εκπαίδευση και Πιστοποίηση κατά PMP® από την 12PM CONSULTING που ήταν ο 1ος πιστοποιημένος εκπαιδευτικό φορέας του Project Management Institute (PMI) στην Ελλάδα ως Authorized Training Provider (PMI ATP) !!!



Το PMI για 1η φορά στην ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ του από το 1969 απαιτεί
για την διδασκαλία του νέου PMP Exam (2021)

 «Authorized Training
Partner Instructor»
by Project Management
Institute (PMI)

«Certified Disciplined
Agile Instructor
by Disciplined Agile
Consortium and PMI

Στις 16 Ιουλίου 2020 ο Θεοφάνης Γιώτης έγινε ο 1ος ΠΙΣΤΟΠΟΙΗΜΕΝΟΣ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΤΗΣ (Authorized Training Partner Instructor) στην ΕΛΛΑΔΑ  από το PMI και ήταν ένας από τους 50 πρώτους εκπαιδευτές που πιστοποίησε το PMI παγκοσμίως. More info...

Στις 25 Ιουλίου 2020 ο Θεοφάνης Γιώτης έγινε ο 1ος ΠΙΣΤΟΠΟΙΗΜΕΝΟΣ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΤΗΣ (Certified Disciplined Agile Instructor) στην ΕΛΛΑΔΑ από το Disciplined Agile Consortium και το Project Management Institute (PMI). More info...

Authorized Training
Partner Instructor:




Επιλογές εκπαίδευσης για την πιστοποίηση PMP ή CAPM





PMP ή CAPM Exam Preparation Workshop


  60 εκπαιδευτικές ώρες

90 εκπαιδευτικές ώρες

  • Σε τάξη
  • Σε τάξη

και ΩΡΕΣ
  • 60 εκπαιδευτικές ώρες
  • 5 βιβλία 2.500 σελίδων
  • προετοιμασία αίτησης
  • εγγύηση έγκρισης της αίτησης
  • εγγύηση πιστοποίησης ή
    επιστροφή χρημάτων εκπαίδευσης
  • 90 εκπαιδευτικές ώρες
  • 5 βιβλία 2.500 σελίδων
  • προετοιμασία αίτησης
  • εγγύηση έγκριση της αίτησης
  • εγγύηση πιστοποίησης ή
    επιστροφή χρημάτων εκπαίδευσης
  1. PMI Authorized PMP Exam Prep by Project Management Institute

  2. The PMBOK Guide, Sixth Edition by PMI

  3. PMP Certification Notes by Theofanis Giotis

  4. RMC PMP Exam Prep 11th Edition by Rita Mulcahy


  1. PMI Authorized PMP Exam Prep by Project Management Institute

  2. The PMBOK Guide, Sixth Edition by PMI

  3. PMP Certification Notes by Theofanis Giotis

  4. RMC PMP Exam Prep 11th Edition by Rita Mulcahy


  • 5 εβδομάδες
  • Απογεύματα, Παρασκευή,΄Σάββατο και Κυριακή
  • 15 εβδομάδες
  • μάθημα μια φορά την εβδομάδα
  • επανάληψη κάθε ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ ΒΡΑΔΥ
  • ΟΧΙ
  • ΝΑΙ
  • Κάθε ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ 21:00 - 22:00


Θεοφάνης Γιώτης
«Authorized Training Partner Instructor» by Project
Management Institute (PMI) (ο 1ος trainer στην Ελλάδα!!!)




  • ΔΩΡΕΑΝ ΕΠΑΝΑΠΑΡΑΚΟΛΟΥΘΗ εντός 365 ημερών από την έναρξη


60 ώρες: 770€

90 ώρες: 1.200€

  • 300€
  • 300€


Εκπαιδευτικό υλικό: ΠΕΝΤΕ (5) ΒΙΒΛΙΑ




Πιστοποιητικό Παρακολούθησης Διεθνούς Αναγνώρισης



Επίσημο εκπαιδευτικό υλικό του PMI για το PMP Exam 2021 


Εισαγωγή στο PMP Exam Workshop

Ιστορικό του PMP exam
Ιστορικό του Project Management Institute (PMI)
Οι απαιτήσεις της πιστοποίησης PMP
Υποβολή αίτησης και διαδικασίας έγκρισης
Τι είναι τα Professioanal Development Units (PDUs)
Διατήρηση της πιστοποίησης PMP με χρήση των PDUs
Η αξία της πιστοποίησης
PMP στην αγορά εργασίας


Lesson 1: Creating a High-Performing Team | page: 1

Topic A: Build a Team | page: 2
Topic B: Define Team Ground Rules | page: 13
Topic C: Negotiate Project Agreements | page: 17
Topic D: Empower Team Members and Stakeholders | page: 22
Topic E: Train Team Members and Stakeholders | page: 27
Topic F: Engage and Support Virtual Teams | page: 33
Topic G: Build Shared Understanding about a Project | page: 39

Lesson 2: Starting the Project | page: 49

Topic A: Determine Appropriate Project Methodology/Methods
and Practices | page: 50
Topic B: Plan and Manage Scope | page: 57
Topic C: Plan and Manage Budget and Resources | page: 72
Topic D: Plan and Manage Schedule | page: 83
Topic E: Plan and Manage Quality of Products and Deliverables | page: 103
Topic F: Integrate Project Planning Activities | page: 115
Topic G: Plan and Manage Procurement | page: 123
Topic H: Establish Project Governance Structure | page: 136
Topic I: Plan and Manage Project/Phase Closure | page: 140

Lesson 3: Doing the Work | page: 147

Topic A: Assess and Manage Risks | page: 148
Topic B: Execute Project to Deliver Business Value | page: 160
Topic C: Manage Communications | page: 165
Topic D: Engage Stakeholders | page: 172
Topic E: Create Project Artifacts | page: 178
Topic F: Manage Project Changes | page: 182
Topic G: Manage Project Issues | page: 188
Topic H: Ensure Knowledge Transfer for Project Continuity | page: 192

Lesson 4: Keeping the Team on Track | page: 199

Topic A: Lead a Team | page: 200
Topic B: Support Team Performance | page: 206
Topic C: Address and Remove Impediments, Obstacles, and Blockers | page: 221
Topic D: Manage Conflict | page: 225
Topic E: Collaborate with Stakeholders | page: 229
Topic F: Mentor Relevant Stakeholders | page: 236
Topic G: Apply Emotional Intelligence to Promote Team Performance | page: 240

Lesson 5: Keeping the Business in Mind | page: 251

Topic A: Manage Compliance Requirements | page: 252
Topic B: Evaluate and Deliver Project Benefits and Value | page: 259
Topic C: Evaluate and Address Internal and External Business
Environment Changes | page: 267
Topic D: Support Organizational Change | page: 273
Topic E: Employ Continuous Process Improvement | page: 281

Appendix A: Mapping Course Content to the Project Management

Professional (PMP)® Examination Content Outline | page: 289
Mastery Builders | page: 291
GGlossary | page: 315


Αλλαγή στο ΠΛΗΘΟΣ και στον ΤΥΠΟ των ΕΡΩΤΗΣΕΩΝ του PMP 2021

  • 180 questions (the previous exam was 200) but the same number of questions will be scored
  • 230 minutes to complete the exam
  • Two 10-minute breaks
  • Questions will be a combination of:
    • multiple-choice
    • multiple responses
    • matching, hotspot and
    • limited fill-in-the-blan

Prototype QUESTIONS can be found here

Learn more about the new exam by reviewing the updated exam content outline below--available in different languages.



Αλλαγές στο PMP Exam 2021 μετά τις 2 Ιανουαρίου 2021
(180 ερωτήσεις σε 230 λεπτά, 2 δεκάλεπτα διαλείμματα)

Project management professionals need more diverse skills and approaches than ever before.

The Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification exam will change on 2 January 2021 to meet those needs and will focus on three new domains:

1. PEOPLE emphasizing the skills and activities associated with
effectively leading a project team
2. PROCESS reinforcing the technical aspects
of managing a project
highlighting the connection between
projects and organization strategy


Content that spans the value delivery spectrum, including predictive, agile and hybrid approaches, will be included across the three exam domains.



PMP Exam 2021 Content Outline

Download το PMP Exam Content Outline για τις εξετάσεις μετά τις 2.Jan.2021.

Παρακάτω υπάρχουν τα 3 DOMAINS και τα 25 TASKS τα οποία:

  • Πρέπει να μπορούν να κάνουν οι υποψήφιοι για το PMP
  • Είναι αυτά που χρησιμοποιούν αυτοί που γράφουν τις ερωτήσεις για το PMP EXAM


People 42%

Task 1

Manage conflict

· Interpret the source and stage of the conflict

· Analyze the context for the conflict

· Evaluate/recommend/reconcile the appropriate conflict resolution solution

Task 2

Lead a team

· Set a clear vision and mission

· Support diversity and inclusion (e.g., behavior types, thought process)

· Value servant leadership (e.g., relate the tenets of servant leadership to the team)

· Determine an appropriate leadership style (e.g., directive, collaborative)

· Inspire, motivate, and influence team members/stakeholders (e.g., team contract, social contract, reward system)

· Analyze team members and stakeholders’ influence

· Distinguish various options to lead various team members and stakeholders

Task 3

Support team performance

· Appraise team member performance against key performance indicators

· Support and recognize team member growth and developments

· Determine approppriate feedback approach

· Verify performance improvements

Task 4

Empower team members and stakeholders

· Organize around team strengths

· Support team task accountability

· Evaluate demonstration of task accountability

· Determine and bestow level(s) of decision-making authority

Task 5

Ensure team members/stakeholders are adequately trained

· Determine required competencies and elements of training

· Determine training options based on training needs

· Allocate resources for training

· Measure training outcomes

Task 6

Build a team

· Appraise stakeholder skills

· Deduce project resource requirements

· Continuously assess and refresh team skills to meet project needs

· Maintain team and knowledge transfer

Task 7

Address and remove impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the team

· Determine critical impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the team

· Prioritize critical impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the team

· Use network to implement solutions to remove impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the team

· Re-assess continually to ensure impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the team are being addressed

Task 8

Negotiate project agreements

· Analyze the bounds of the negotiations for agreement

· Assess priorities and determine ultimate objective(s)

· Verify objective(s) of the project agreement is met

· Participate in agreement negotiations

· Determine a negotiation strategy

Task 9

Collaborate with stakeholders

· Evaluate engagement needs for stakeholders

· Optimize alignment between stakeholder needs, expectations, and project objectives

· Build trust and influence stakeholders to accomplish project objectives

Task 10

Build shared understanding

· Break down situation to identify the root cause of a misunderstanding

· Survey all necessary parties to reach consensus

· Support outcome of parties' agreement

· Investigate potential misunderstandings

Task 11

Engage and support virtual teams

· Examine virtual team member needs (e.g., environment, geography, culture, global, etc.)

· Investigate alternatives (e.g., communication tools, colocation) for virtual team member engagement

· Implement options for virtual team member engagement

· Continually evaluate effectiveness of virtual team member engagement

Task 12

Define team ground rules

· Communicate organizational principles with team and external stakeholders

· Establish an environment that fosters adherence to the ground rules

· Manage and rectify ground rule violations

Task 13

Mentor relevant stakeholders

· Allocate the time to mentoring

· Recognize and act on mentoring opportunities

Task 14

Promote team performance through the application of emotional intelligence

· Assess behavior through the use of personality indicators

· Analyze personality indicators and adjust to the emotional needs of key project stakeholders


Process 50%

Task 1

Execute project with the urgen

· Determine communication methods, channels, frequency, and level of detail for all stakeholders

cy required to deliver business value

· Assess opportunities to deliver value incrementally

· Examine the business value throughout the project

· Support the team to subdivide project tasks as necessary to find the minimum viable product

Task 2

Manage communications

· Analyze communication needs of all stakeholders

· Communicate project information and updates effectively

· Confirm communication is understood and feedback is received

Task 3

Assess and manage risks

· Determine risk management options

· Iteratively assess and prioritize risks

Task 4

Engage stakeholders

· Analyze stakeholders (e.g., power interest grid, influence, impact)

· Categorize stakeholders

· Engage stakeholders by category

· Estimate budgetary needs based on the scope of the project and lessons learned from past projects

· Develop, execute, and validate a strategy for stakeholder engagement

Task 5

Plan and manage budget and resources

· Anticipate future budget challenges

· Monitor budget variations and work with governance process to adjust as necessary

· Plan and manage resources

Task 6

Plan and manage schedule

· Estimate project tasks (milestones, dependencies, story points)

· Utilize benchmarks and historical data

· Prepare schedule based on methodology

· Measure ongoing progress based on methodology

· Modify schedule, as needed, based on methodology

· Coordinate with other projects and other operations

Task 7

Plan and manage quality of products/deliverables

· Determine quality standard required for project deliverables

· Recommend options for improvement based on quality gaps

· Continually survey project deliverable quality

Task 8

Plan and manage scope

· Determine and prioritize requirements

· Break down scope (e.g., WBS, backlog)

· Monitor and validate scope

Task 9

Integrate project planning activities

· Consolidate the project/phase plans

· Assess consolidated project plans for dependencies, gaps, and continued business value

· Analyze the data collected

· Collect and analyze data to make informed project decisions

· Determine critical information requirements

Task 10

Manage project changes

· Anticipate and embrace the need for change (e.g., follow change management practices)

· Determine strategy to handle change

· Execute change management strategy according to the methodology

· Determine a change response to move the project forward

Task 11

Plan and manage procurement

· Define resource requirements and needs

· Communicate resource requirements

· Manage suppliers/contracts

· Plan and manage procurement strategy

· Develop a delivery solution

Task 12

Manage project artifacts

· Determine the requirements (what, when, where, who, etc.) for managing the project artifacts

· Validate that the project information is kept up to date (i.e., version control) and accessible to all stakeholders

· Continually assess the effectiveness of the management of the project artifacts

Task 13

Determine appropriate project methodology/methods and practices

· Assess project needs, complexity, and magnitude

· Recommend project execution strategy (e.g., contracting, finance)

· Recommend a project methodology/approach (i.e., predictive, agile, hybrid)

· Use iterative, incremental practices throughout the project life cycle (e.g., lessons learned, stakeholder engagement, risk)

Task 14

Establish project governance structure

· Determine appropriate governance for a project (e.g., replicate organizational governance)

· Define escalation paths and thresholds

Task 15

Manage project issues

· Recognize when a risk becomes an issue

· Attack the issue with the optimal action to achieve project success

· Collaborate with relevant stakeholders on the approach to resolve the issues

Task 16

Ensure knowledge transfer for project continuity

· Discuss project responsibilities within team

· Outline expectations for working environment

· Confirm approach for knowledge transfers

Task 17

Plan and manage project/phase closure or transitions

· Determine criteria to successfully close the project or phase

· Validate readiness for transition (e.g., to operations team or next phase)

· Conclude activities to close out project or phase (e.g., final lessons learned, retrospective, procurement, financials, resources)


Business Environment 8%

Task 1

Plan and manage project compliance

· Confirm project compliance requirements (e.g., security, health and safety, regulatory compliance)

· Classify compliance categories

· Determine potential threats to compliance

· Use methods to support compliance

· Analyze the consequences of noncompliance

· Determine necessary approach and action to address compliance needs (e.g., risk, legal)

· Measure the extent to which the project is in compliance

Task 2

Evaluate and deliver project benefits and value

· Investigate that benefits are identified

· Document agreement on ownership for ongoing benefit realization

· Verify measurement system is in place to track benefits

· Evaluate delivery options to demonstrate value

· Appraise stakeholders of value gain progress

Task 3

Evaluate and address external business environment changes for impact on scope

· Survey changes to external business environment (e.g., regulations, technology, geopolitical, market)

· Assess and prioritize impact on project scope/backlog based on changes in external business environment

· Recommend options for scope/backlog changes (e.g., schedule, cost changes)

· Continually review external business environment for impacts on project scope/backlog

Task 4

Support organizational change

· Assess organizational culture

· Evaluate impact of organizational change to project and determine required actions

· Evaluate impact of the project to the organization and determine required actions



Τύπος ΕΡΩΤΗΣΕΩΝ για το PMP EXAM 2021


The project manager and the project management team are looking at the project documents to see when the project will finish. In which state is the project?

A.  Initiation
B.  Closing
C.  Executing
D.  Monitoring and Controlling







PMP EXAM 2021 INSTRUCTIONS (180 ερωτήσεις σε 230 λεπτά):
3 PARTS  |  κάθε PART έχει 60 ερωτήσεις



PRACTICE with WhiteBoard at Pearson VUE site